Lesson 2: Different types of magical runes
A magical rune or alh' teren is a form of rune writing that has its foundation inside magic. Magic runes are spells that can be casted both wandless and with a wand. A magical rune is spell that be can cast on an opponent, a wall or the floor. It forms a magical lit glowing circle with runes inside. A magical rune exists out of 3 rune sets.
Killi nach dos - water walking. Killi is the base rune or the first phase and it means 'water'. nach is the second phase or second set and it means 'to stand on'. dos is the third phase and it means 'walk'. Literally this rune is translated as 'to walk or stand on water'. Each magical rune has these 3 sets or phases and a rune is never complete without its phases. This means a rune cannot be cast if it only has two rune sets.
Magical runes have, in addition to the 3 sets, four major categories. The four major categories within the alh' teren are alteration, illusion, defense and conjuration. Each demands a different kind of skill to cast. The alh' teren can also be used during a duel. We'll discuss this further in Lesson 3.
Let us take a look at the four major categories of magical runes or the alh'teren.
1. Alteration Runes
Alteration or altwu'in is the group of spells that has its foundation in altering or editing. It has its foundation in transfiguration or switching and allows the caster to alter or edit things. This magic is created by altering an existing object or person into something else. Example: alteration allows magic to alter a person in such a way this person can breath under water or levitate where the person cannot fly. Alteration magic has its foundation in editing things. It allows the caster to transmute items or persons into something they were not originally. The spells that fall under alteration are:
spell - rune - use
Candle Light - zimuk zi kan - creates a bright light where there is darkness. If cast, this lights up a dark room or alters the darkness to light. It works for 10 minutes. Zimuk means candle, zi means dark, kan means to ban. This rune translates as 'to ban the dark with a candle'.
Transmute - Kilium nah gosh - transmute a solid wall into a passable door. if cast this rune allows the caster to create a walktrough wall. It works for an hour. Killium is to pass, nah is through, gosh is door. This rune translates as 'to pass through a door'.
Stone Flesh - Hirdon sigh nah - Alters the skin of the caster into stone. It lasts for 20 minutes and makes the skin impenetrable to fire and cold. Hirdon is skin, sigh is cold and nah is warmth. Nah is one of the few runes that has many different meanings inside the alh'teren.
Waterbreathing - flios killi ga - allows the caster to breathe underwater for an hour. Filios is breathe, killi is water ga is under.
2. Conjuration Runes
Conjuration runes or ath'wes are one of the hardest runes to create and they find their roots in conjuration transfiguration. It is the same as creating the desired object from thin air or to conjure to form, to summon objects. These type of runes can create many different types of objects and the larger the object, the harder the spell is to cast. The summoning aspect of the conjuration rune is the very basis of the rune. It allows the caster to summon either shields or allies. It works on soul energy or the ability of the mind to create items. It works by thinking of an object and summoning it to be as commanded by the caster. The spells are as follows:
Spell - rune - use
Conjure familiar - nash ga fami - creates the shape of a small animal that helps lead the way out. If you're lost conjure the familiar rune and it will lead you to safety. The shape of the animal depends on where you are lost but most commonly a rabbit, a rat, a dog, a cat and a fish have been conjured. Some people have been able to conjure snakes, horses and dolphins. Nash means cast, ga means beast and fami means familiar.
Conjure mistman - nash ti emuk - creates a man of mist or more rather, a wall of mist, allowing you to flee the scene in safety. It is a useful spell to blind your opponent for a moment or confuse them by adding mist to the duel. Nash means cast, ti means mist, emuk is person or wall depending what your vision is like.
Conjure ghostly forms - nash ga tiluk - this rune creates scary ghostly figures that light up in the darkness. Ideal to prank somebody or to allow a safe get away. Willebroek Ulra, a Hogwarts student, is known to have used this rune for Halloween to decorate his room. Nash means cast, ga create, tiluk ghost.
Mystic binding - mali i jorn - this spell is a bit more complex then expelliarmus. Not only does this rune disarm the opponent, it also binds the wand to the caster, making it impossible for the opponent to retrieve it. Mali means weapon, i is bind and jorn to cast away.
Summon zombie - undea y riga - one of the hardest spells to create and it is used to rise a zombie. It is a form of human tranfiguration that turns the caster into a zombie. It works on the same basis and transfigures the caster into a humaniod creature, in this case a real life zombie. Undea is undead, y is in this form cast and riga is death.
3. Defense Runes
Defense runes or ath'fun are the easiest runes to cast and they are the most useful when dueling. Sometimes a great defense is the line between life and death. A great duel always starts with a great defense and the ability to defend oneself. Defense is the first step before attack and the defence runes can help a great deal. The spells that fall under the defense runes are as follows:
spell - rune - use
detect life - fa riga uro - this rune helps to scan a place for any form of life or living undead that roam the room. Fa means scan, riga is death, uro is find
ward - has ni gra - this defense spell cast a shield similar to protego but this rune is casted by hand. has is shield, ni is cast, gra is to defend.
4. Illusion Runes
Much like the title says, illusion runes or anth'gus are based on the illusion or the vision of something not present. Illusion runes have a wide range of uses and the usage varies from calming the opponent to making them see things that are not there. The spells that fall under this rune are as follows:
Spell - rune - use
Clairvoyance - vye si nach - this rune casts a blue shimmering path that leads North. Vye is north, si is see, nach is night.
Calm - geru he sil - calms an opponent's desire to attack. Geru is to calm, he sil combined means to temper an attack.
Fear - fas bi tri - puts fear into your opponent. Fas is fear, bi tri means inside oneself.
Hysteria - hyra ji lon - makes your opponent hystrical. Hyra is hysteria, ji ion means from within.
Muffle - vas ni silo - makes your voice muffled for whoever is listening. Similar to the muffliato spell but longer lasting. Vas ni means to hide, to muffle while silo means to silence.
Master visions - ey ni se - creates visions before the eyes of your opponent blinding them to their environement. Ey means eye and ni se means to blind.
That concludes it for this lesson. You may now complete your assignment.
elder scrolls wiki
skyrim magic runes wiki
Harry potter wiki - transfiguration